About Victoria

Victoria University is one of New Zealand’s oldest and most prestigious tertiary institutions with a proud tradition of academic excellence. Learn more about our 115 years of rich history.

Welcome from the Vice-Chancellor

Victoria University of Wellington is New Zealand’s globally ranked capital city university, and will be one of the great global-civic universities.

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Wellington waterfront

Fatback tail frankfurter

Bacon ipsum dolor amet filet mignon spare ribs ground round pig cow ball tip. Tri-tip jowl meatball, alcatra cow kevin shank sirloin shoulder.

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Connect, engage and explore


Can any of us have a reasonable expectation of privacy in an age of mobile phones, drones and the internet?


Bullying is a life-long problem that can have a lasting negative impact—how can it be most effectively tackled?


Do New Zealanders trust politicians and government systems? Why might distrust actually be a healthy thing?

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