Main skills

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Wellington waterfront


Find useful advice on and some practice in techniques and strategies for reading in an academic environment.

Wellington waterfront


Learn about generating ideas, freewriting, clustering, paragraphing, topic sentences, essay structure, academic style, referencing, paraphrasing, and many other tricky aspects of academic writing.

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Simplified and authentic lectures or lecture extracts for practising note-taking and listening comprehension skills in an academic context

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Whether you want to improve your general conversational skills or how you communicate in a professional setting, these resources may be useful.

Support skills

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Fluency is hard to define, but easy to recognise. It has to do with the smoothness and ease of expression in another language.


First decide what area of grammar you want to practise, then find tasks related to that area.


Improve your knowledge and use of words that often go togethe.


Work on your pronunciation by recording your voice as you practice the sounds of English, intonation, pitch, and sentence stress.